
👷‍♂️Live to work? Or, work to live?

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is a great conversation starter with children. The most popular answers are: doctor, vet, engineer, police officer, and  teacher. My childhood ambition was to be a veterinarian. I grew up on a small farm with goats, chickens, a cow, a pony, sheep, dogs and cats. It took a while for me to realize that my love for animals and my aversion to blood were on a collision course when it came to this career choice.  

By the time someone is a senior in high school, it is expected that a fairly clear career path is beginning to emerge. And yet, on average, college students change their major three times. Why? As we come to understand who we are and what we value, we simply change our minds. The last thing anyone wants to do is get stuck in an unsatisfying career. “A global poll conducted by Gallup has uncovered that out of the world’s one billion full-time workers, only 15% of  people  are engaged at work.  That means that an astronomical 85% of people  are  unhappy  in  their jobs.” Check out this insightful blog to discover some of the main factors impacting job satisfaction and why people stay when they aren’t happy. https://www.staffsquared.com/blog/why-85-of-people-hate-their-jobs/ 

How do you respond to the statement, “I am where I want to be career-wise at this point in my life?” If for you, the answer is “yes,” that’s great. But for some of you, this may not be the case. The distinction highlighted by MaxLife between a job and a vocation is an important one, “The largest portion of our waking hours are spent earning a living. Vocation is defined as, ‘a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation.’ A job to pay the bills is essential, but aligning making a living with making a difference through your vocational calling can be a game changer.” www.MaxLifeEvents.com.  

I’ve recently followed through on something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. I registered for a certification program in the area of coaching. I’ve had coaching training in the past, but never through a program certified by the ICF (International Coach Federation). I’ve started the journey and I’m thoroughly enjoying what I’m learning. One of my goals is to be a life-long learner and this experience ticks that box in a significant way.

Take some time to think about where you are right now. What would it take to reach the next level? What is something proactive that you can do? Is there a step you can take this coming week to begin that journey?

All the best!

Tom Evans
Director, MaxLife Events

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